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ERNIE MASON FAMILY MUM AND THE KIDS Published in "The Australian Garden
History" Volume 2 No5. March/April 1991 An early twentieth century cottage garden in
Western Austalia When I express interest in garden history it is
not uncommon to meet raised eyebrows accompanied by the suggestion that this
must be well-nigh impossible in Western Australia. This assumption is made in
the knowledge we do not have the heritage of grand gardens which is associated
with some of the wealthy estates of New South Wales or Victoria. But if we
lower our sights in the search for garden history what we find may not be any
less interesting although it will certainly need to be studied within a different
frame of reference. "Mum and the kids" is just one example of the
social and horticultural history which such a study reveals. "Mum" died long since, and of the "kids" only Gwen survives; a very active and independent lady in
her mid-seventies. It was the remains of their once productive orchard and
garden in the fertile Carmel valley which first attracted my attention.
After meeting Gwen Herbert, I learned that the
property, which was first leased in 1906, had been largely abandoned in the
1940's, owing to difficulties in dividing up the estate after the death of her
parents, Jane and Ernest Mason. The ensuing years have been seen the coming and
going of tenants and squatters until the timber cottage was demolished in the
1960's. Since 1979, when the property changed hands, both orchard and garden
have been home to a handful of sheep, geese and a donkey. But, in spite of
these visisstudes and the ravages of time and climate, the framework of what I
should like to call a cottage in vernacular tradition is still readily
discernible. Anne Scott-James advises against the too romantic
interpretation of her definition of the English cottage garden with its
'livestock, vegetables and herbs and perhaps a few flowers for ornament and
scent', stressing that it was 'planned for use rather than beauty'. I suggest
that this small rural property provides a Western Australian interpretation of
the functional cottage garden. It also provides a useful counterpoint to recent
discussions concerning a much more elevated Edwardian tradition of garden
design. |
The locality of Carmel still comprises a small
community of not more than 600 people, situated at a height of some 300 metres
in the Darling Range, and about 30 km south east of Perth. It enjoys a
Mediterranean climate of cool wet winters (including light frosts) and hot, dry
summers. Small as it is, Carmel claims a special place in history through the
pioneering efforts of Benjamin Mason who, in 1864, opened up the district to
timber cutting. It was the timber industry which brought Ernest
and Jane Mason, with their three small children, to lease and later purchase 6
acres of uncleared forest on the path of an old bullock track at Green's
Landing (later Carmel) in 1906. Ernie was familiar with the bush through being a
teamster for the timber cutters, and his grandfather was old Ben Mason's
brother. At the time of acquiring the block at Green's
Landing the Masons would have been one of only a handful of families in the
neighbourhood. None of the so-called essential services was available; no
water, power or sewerage. There was, however, a link with other localities
through the Upper Darling Range Railway which carried timber down to the
foothills and operated a rather erratic passenger service. Another advantage
was the presence of a small school only about a mile distant, serving the much
wider district. While telling me about her busy childhood Gwen
made it clear that their property played a central role in the life of her
family. Part of Mum's interest can be attributed to the fact that the land
was registered in her name, as a result of advise from her mother-in-law, or so
she told Gwen. As this block was acquired from a neighbouring orchardist it was
not subject to the same conditions as crown land. However, a few years later
'Dad' took out a crown lease on 5 acres of virgin bush just over the road (then
only a narrow track). One of the aims of the 1896 Agricultural Lands Purchase
Act was 'to encourage the cultivation of the land near Railways', and it
required that at least one tenth of a parcel of land be cultivated within five
years, before a crown grant could be issued. This, Gwen recalls, was a very
important factor in their lives as it necessitated everyone working together
in order to gain the precious title deeds. 'Dad" spent all week in the
bush, leaving home at 5.00 a.m. on Monday morning and not returning until
Saturday afternoon. His wage only provided the bare essentials so the aim of
purchasing the land was to enable the family to be as self sufficient as possible.
Thus it was that the care of the livestock, orchard and garden fell to 'Mum and
the kids'; this being the phrase to which Gwen constantly returned when
referring to their source of labour. |
The property faced west and sloped down to an
area of good loam, well-watered by a semi-permanent creek. Before their
four-roomed weatherboard cottage was built on high ground, a temporary timber
and hessian dwelling was erected, so that once 'Dad' (and the horse) had dug a
well and made a start on the clearing and ploughing 'Mum and the kids' were
able to cultivate and start planting. In the meantime there was the livestock.
there were two cows so that one was always in milk, the horse, two dozen
chickens and some ducks, supplemented from time to time with a few piglets. All
the children were allocated chores both before and after school, anything from
fetching and carrying water to feeding the hens or milking the cow. The cows,
which wore bells, had to be located in the bush and brought home, usually the
responsibility of the eldest child on horseback. In spite of the unstinting effort to bring their
land into production, Gwen Herbert's childhood memories are invariably happy
ones. The younger children could turn most chores into fun, such as taking
turns to ride on an improvised board while harrowing. Later it became very
important and a matter of family loyalty for the older ones to come home at
Christmas, both for family celebrations and to take the opportunity to help
'Mum' with the heavy work. The orchard must have been a source of great
pride as its progress still looms large in Gwen's memory. She clearly recalls,
for instance, collecting rocks when she was only five or six years old, for use
in drainage channels between the orange trees. Trenches were dug out and lined
with rocks before being covered with timber at a sufficient depth to allow for
harrowing. Her brother Laurie, then about fourteen, made the younger children
kangaroo skin mittens to protect their hands. As time went on a mixed orchard
stretched in both directions from the house, some of which remains and still
bears fruit. The kitchen walls supported a passion vine, with
a timber grape vine trellis nearby. This was of strong construction over which
'Mum' grew Muscatels, 'Black St Peters' and 'Red Prince', and under which the
older boys would sometimes sleep when home on leave from the Services. The
fruit suffered little damage from birds as there always seemed to be a child
only too willing to disturb them. Similarly fruit fly was far less prevalent so
that with proper management a good crop from trees and vines was usually
assured. Vegetables were usually grown in the valley near
the oranges, where the ground retained its moisture most of the year round. It
seems there was little that 'Mum and the kids' could not grow. Gwen reeled off
a list which started with strawberries and ended with potatoes. These last were
carefully planted in regular rows, which the family called 'lands', stretching
the full width of the block between rows of orange trees. 'Mum' could often be
seen working among the trees in bare feet ('shoes were a nuisance and too
expensive anyway') and occasionally resorting to tethering baby to a fruit tree
as she would insist on gathering up the newly set seed potatoes! Manure was
provided by the animals and supplemented from time to time by blood and bone
from the stock merchant. |
In true cottage garden tradition most of the
vegetables were grown from seed which was saved from one year to the next and
then perhaps shared with neighbours. Young plants and seedlings too were
exchanged, surplus for surplus, and the more recently arrived Italian migrants
were generous sources of supply. In the same way excess produce and dairy
products were shared or bartered, especially if times were hard. Contrary to what one might have expected 'Mum'
did little preserving. Citrus peel was dried and sent to Laurie while he was
away at sea, herbs were dried for the Red Cross in the first world war but
apart from jam and pickle, there was no need to preserve fruit as there was
always something in season. The
Mason's orchard and garden must have been developed gradually, season by season
according to the family's needs and resources (by 1925 there were 9 children)
and the flower garden could be expected to have had a low priority. But just as
the rows of fruit trees and vegetables exhibited a sense of order so the simple
plantings of ornamentals were marked by low rock edged walls. There were roses,
annuals and bulbs lining the driveway, shrubs near the house, and creepers
scrambled over the kitchen and outhouses. Many plants had happy associations
having been grown from 'slips' from friends or neighbours, like the tree dahlia
or the much prized daphne. The pussy-willow which still thrives was especially
precious as 'Mum' was sent cuttings from a friend in Melbourne in the 1930's (no
quarantine laws then?). But most treasured were the twin jacaranda planted by
Jane Mason and her youngest son just before he left for active service. Any
sort of lawn was out of the question for lack of water and indeed Gwen insists
that no part of the flower garden was ever watered (though I shouldn't be
surprised to learn that 'Mum' had slipped the jacarandas an odd bucket now and
then). Thus this
small rural property in Carmel, with its well tended cottage garden, grew and
matured with the family. Perhaps it is appropriate to mention here that Gwen
too, was anxious to dispel any romantic notions about the garden, asserting
that its proper management was no more or less than a practical necessity. Yet
I would argue that the evidence suggests more. Not only did it enable the
Masons to survive periods of economic uncertainty or even hardship, such as the
1930's depression, but it provided a focus for their hopes and
aspirations. The children grew up and moved away but 'the old place' was always
home and a symbol of family unity. So its remains; a testimony to 'Mum and the
kids'. Carol
Mansfield Plants
known to have been grown by the Masons at Carmel between 1906 and 1940 (those
marked with an asterisk are still present at the time of this article). Fruit:
apricots*, peaches, plums* (including Black Diamond), pears (including
Bartlett), apples (including Yates, Dunn's seedling and Granny Smith), quinces,
persimmons*, loquats, figs (red and green), oranges, lemons (including a
variegated variety)*, strawberries, passion-fruit and grapes*. Vegetables:
onions, potatoes,
carrots, swedes, turnips, pumpkins, beans, cabbages, peas, tomatoes, sage,
thyme; also maize, barley and lucerne as stock feed. Trees,
shrubs and creepers: Buddleia davidii*, Cotoneaster franchetti*, Daphne odora, Lavender
dentata, Plumbago capensis, Salix cuprea*' Solanum rantonnetii*, Syringa
vulgaris*, Lonicera sp*, Bignonia radicans*, Asparagus plumosa*. Roses:
Cecile Brunner*, La
France, Dr Thompson, Safrano*, a 'pink cabbage', Dorothy Perkins*, a 'red
rambler', Felicite et Perpetue*. Bulbs
and perennials: Amaryllis
belladonna (Easter
lily )*, Narcissus papyraceus (paper-white jonquil)*. N. tazetta
aureus (Soeil d'Or)*, N. tazetta hybrids* including a double form, Leucojum
aestivum (Snowflake)*, white breaded iris*, chrysanthemums, coreopsis,
cosmos, Dahlia imperialis (tree dahlia), geraniums, mignonette, Oxalis
sp.*, periwinkle*, wallflowers, white watsonia* and later (misguidedly)
pink and salmon watsonia*. My
grateful thanks to Gwen Herbert and Jo and Pete Randell, without whose
generosity this study could not have been undertaken.
Every endeavour has been made to accurately record the details however if you would like to provide additional images and/or newer information we are pleased to update the details on this site. Please use CONTACT at the top of this page to email us. We appreciate your involvement in recording the history of our area. Reference: Article: Carol Mansfield Images: Carol Mansfield Copyright : Gordon Freegard 2008 - 2021