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BARTON'S MILL SCHOOL Research by Gordon Freegard These are brief notes taken from a Barton’s Mill Primary School File held in the State Records Office, Alexander Library, Perth, from Accession No. 1497: File No. 220/17 - “Attendance”. Other files relating to the school are: 922/1 - “Establishment”; 3803/11; 1799/5; 736/25; and 135/36, all titled “Buildings & Works”. A lot of the entries are in note form, but due to time constraints, I have simply picked out items of particular interest, and abbreviated these where necessary, to give some indication of the efforts involved in getting this school up and running after it had been closed in May 1922, and in again re-opening (after it closed in May 1939) with the establishment of Barton’s Mill Prison. Helen Skehan.
1910 Messrs. W. Hewison, D. McKenzie and J. A. Beasley were responsible for the performance of the sanitary services at a cost of ten shillings ($1.00) per month.
1912 Teacher
1915 Teacher George H. FISHER
1920 October 5th: Chief Inspector – Yesterday only 3 children
attended school; today only 4 children at school out of an enrolment of
18. The others are away sick. I have closed the school for the remainder of
the week. Awaiting further instructions. October 8th: (220/17)
1922 April 22nd: (3342/21) April 28th: Beg to inform the number on the
roll is 4, and there are no prospects of further increase in the near
future. OFFICIAL NOTICE: BARTON’S MILL SCHOOL CLOSED ON 11TH MAY 1922 ON ACCOUNT OF LOW ATTENDANCE. May 16th: School conducted in Government building. Please advise whether the building is available for letting purposes or if it should be removed to some other locality? Signed: Director of Education. Inspector Hadley – Building is of slabs etc – unfit for removal. See 1799/15.
Barton’s Mill via Pickering Brook Dear Sir, I am writing you these few lines to see if the Government would allow us to have a School teacher up here there are five little children driving six miles to school in this terrible hot weather & they have to lose a lot of schooling because it is too hot for them to go, there are also four more children here that ought to go to school but can’t go because they have no way of getting there. There is also a nice school & quarters built here so they would be under no expense only the teacher there are nine or more children to go to school so would you try to get us a teacher here for the new year hoping you will think of the little children who have to go six miles to school all through the summer. Yours N.L. Gibbs December 1st Official Form requesting School Signed on behalf of Residents:
George W. Gibbs
Dear Sir, The File contained various correspondence on the matter of a teacher for Barton’s Mill, including a letter from the Member for Swan, re approach by Mr Thompson of Barton’s Mill.
1924 January 5th: To Mr. District Inspector Hadley Director of Education. January 17th: (220/17) (Signed) Charles Hadley. FORM: Barton’s Mill was opened by Mr. Thomas Kennerley, 18th February 1924. March 29th LIST of STUDENTS
CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Amelia Brown, Elsie Brown, Francis Brown, Olive Brown, Alma Gibbs, George Gibbs, James McKee, Eric Riseberry, Hesta Riseberry, John Riseberry |
1925 Teacher Leslie KERSTER on probation Salary 222 pounds -12 pounds for rent CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Elsie Brown
1927 February 16th: Admitted Alice THOMPSON March 3rd: Elsie BROWN gone to Churchman’s Brook
Reservoir. CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Joyce McCanley, James McDougall, Alice Thompson, George Thompspn, Percy Thompson
1928 Teacher James McDOUGALL Salary 200 pounds -12 pounds for rent February 29th: (2673/29) Request for enrolment and average attendance for each week since re-opening.
I was led to believe that 2 children who were attending last year would not be attending this year, so struck off on 3/2/28. They returned on 20th February and were re-admitted. (Signed) Robert TWEEDIE, Head Teacher. March 9th: Not enough children to warrant the appointment of a Probationer. CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: George Thompson
1929 CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: John Brown, Mavis Catchpole, Ray Curling, Roy Curling, L. Lee, Frank Gibbs, Mary King, George Thompson, Lillian White
Photograph and article published the "The West Australian" Friday 20th December 1929. COOLER DRESS FOR MEN Mr. Arthur Lathwell, a school teacher of Barton's Mill, photographed in St. Georges Terrace yesterday. His coatless, collarless, and sleeveless attire looks cool in contrast to the clothing worn by men near him. Mr. Lathwell advocates the wearing of short trousers, three-quarter length hose, soft collarless shirts and sandals for men's summer wear.
1930 The second annual U.D.R.Inter-schools' sports
competition for the Sampson Shield was held at Carmel on November 1st. The
competing schools were Karragullen, Barton's Mill, Pickering Brook, Carmel,
Piesse Brook and Lesmurdie. Carmel school again won the shirld with 3? 1/2
points, followed by Karragullen with 26 points and Barton's Mill with 22
points. Stanley Wallis (Carmel) was Champion Boy, and A. Weyman (Karragullen)
Champion Girl. The chief events resulted as follows:- Boys' Junior Championship
- V. Hawkins (Pickering Brook). Girls' Junior Championship - L. Jackson
(Carmel). Boys' Championship - Stanley Wallis (Carmel). Girls' Championship - A.
Weyman (Karragullen). Schools' Relay Race - Carmel 1; Barton's Mill 2;
Karragullen 3: Boys' High Jump - Stanley Wallis (Carmel). Girls' High Jump - B.
Leeder (Pickering Brook), tied with H. Walker (Piesse Brook). Boys' Long Jump -
Stanley Wallis (Carmel). Girls' Long Jump - A. Weyman (Karragullen). Boys' Hop, Step
and Jump - Stanley Wallis (Carmel): distance 31ft. 10in. Girls' Hop, Step and Jump -
Mary Wallis (Carmel). CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Fred Campbell, Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Lillian White, Hubert Woods
1931 FORM: How many children are leaving at end of year and how many likely to attend:
CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Fred Campbell, Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Lillian White, Hubert Woods |
1932 New Headmaster Mr. Carl Riedel (Riedle) transferred from Central Kendenup School. Interschool Sports were held on Friday 18th November at Walliston and a holiday was granted so that children could attend. Five schools in the upper Darling Range district
competed for the R. S. Sampson Shield at
Walliston recreation ground on Friday afternoon when Barton's Mill school won
the shield with 190 points. Maida Vale scored 151 1/2 points, Carmel 142 1/2,
Piesse's Brook 125, and Pickering Brook 76. There were 400 children and adults
present, and some keen finishes were witnessed. CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: John Brown, Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Elsie Chester, Evelyn Donovan, Frank Gibbs, Jean Gibbs, Caleb Goodchild, Valdya Newton, Cornelius Ostwald, Josie Sala Tenna, John Wallace, Lillian White, Ralf Whyte, Hubert Woods, Ila Woods
1933 CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Elsie Chester, Jean Gibbs, Josie Sala Tenna, Marie Weedon, Lillian White, Ila Woods
1934 CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Elsie Chester, Jean Gibbs, Josie Sala Tenna, Marie Weedon, Lillian White, Ila Woods
1935 The Hills Inter-school Sports were held at Walliston on November 22nd, with Barton's Mill, Canning Mills, Carmel, Pickering Brook and Maida Vale Schools competing for the R. S. Sampson Centenary Shield. It was Won by Barton's Mill, with 162 points, Maida Vale being the runners-up and winning the "J. Watson Cup" with 104 points. The champion athlete of the day was Frank Gibbs, of Barton's Mill, who gained 50 points for his school. 1935 VERY POOR QUALITY PHOTOGRAPH PUBLISHED IN THE "WESTERN MAIL" THURSDAY 12th DECEMBER 1935
CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Elsie Chester, Frank Gibbs, Jean Gibbs, Josie Sala Tenna, Bethnay Weedon, Marie Weedon, Irene White, Lillian White, Ila Woods
1936 Teacher Lavena BOWMAN 1936 CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Gordon Catchpole, Mavis Catchpole, Eileen Chester, Elsie Chester, Margaret Flanagan, Jean Gibbs, Mavis Johnston, Ruby Miller, Alwyn Newton, Josie Sala Tenna, Rose Sala Tenna, Bethnay Weedon, Marie Weedon, William Weedon, Irene White, Lillian White, Ila Wood
1937 Teacher Lavena BOWMAN CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Bethnay Weedon, Marie Weedon, William Weedon,Irene White, William White
1938 Teacher Lavena BOWMAN CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Patricia Macgowan, Bethnay Weedon, Marie Weedon, William Weedon,Irene White, William White
1939 April 24th: To the Director of Education: April 27th: 220/17) To Head Teacher: If the enrolment drops to 7 the school will be closed. I would be glad if you would call and see me not later than the 8th May regarding your transfer. Chief Inspector of Schools. May 3rd: Enrolment is 8, and could remain so for 2 weeks, but may drop anytime. 3 children are waiting for their father to arrange removal to Perth; a 14 year- old boy is on the lookout for employment. Please advise what I am to do under the existing circumstances. L. Bowman May 19th: The Department decided to close the school
and transfer you elsewhere. Remain on duty until advised. Advise parents and
distribute particulars of the Department’s Correspondence Courses. (Signed: Chief Inspector of Schools) May 26th: Official Form: NOTIFICATION of CLOSURE NOTE: Miss Bowman can occupy quarters until she receives her transfer. TO MISS L.
BOWMAN: June 10th: Dunn’s quote is £1/-/- To Miss Bowman: A note written in Shorthand. July 4th: To Department of Education from
Under-Secretary for Works requesting names and addresses of those protecting
the Barton’s Mill school; query as to whether it is available for letting, and
if furniture is removed, and: REPLY: 1. Keys
are with Mrs. J. Bowman. CHILDREN KNOWN TO HAVE ATTENDED: Patricia Macgowan, Bethnay Weedon, Marie Weedon, William Weedon, Irene White, William White, Beryl Wight,
1940 July 23rd: Mrs Lavinia Bowman vacated Barton’s Mill School quarters on 20th January 1940. 6/10d for rent owing will be deducted from her August pay. October 29th: (1678/32): Proposed to call tenders for purchase and removal of the building. November 1st: Not required and not suitable for removal and re-erection.
1942 May 3rd: From Secretary Gaul, Officers’ Union – Over 12 children resident at Barton’s Mill and with construction of houses for Officers and families, number will increase. When will Barton’s Mill be provided with a teacher? May 4th: (220/1759 – URGENT): Department of Controller of Prisons. No obstruction to re-opening except accommodation not suitable for a female teacher. May 9th: Director of Education from Department
Controller-General of Prisons – Conditions not exactly ideal for a female
teacher, although ground could be explored to board with a married member of
disciplinary staff. May 15th: As soon as the school is vacated, a teacher will be sent; there is no chance of the transfer of a classroom. Although difficulties in the way, believe a male teacher should be sent. What are the particulars regarding board and lodging? May 17th: Letter from parent B. Loudon/?London advising at least 13 children are waiting for a school. Mine are in 6th Class, 4th Class and 2nd class. May 19th: From the Director of Education, advising he had visited Barton’s Mill, and advised the Prisons’ Department that as soon as the building was vacated a teacher would be sent. May 25th: It was arranged for the school to occupy the Hall. June 5th: No-one willing to provide board and lodging, but teacher could be provided with lodgings and eat at the Officers’ Mess. June 18th: Mr Fred Marshall appointed from 29th June, Head Master. June 29th: Barton’s Mill School opened in the Government building. November 4th: To Chief Inspector of Education, Mr Coleman: November 5th: Will interview 7th November at 11:30 (Saturday). Permission granted. December 8th:The Department wants an Exemption from School Form filled out. Thought this was not required, as the girl will attend school from time to time. December 9th: Form must be submitted and in the meantime the girl must attend school regularly.
1947 April 16th: To Mrs E.M. Williams, Barton’s Mill School. Accept your resignation from 5th May 1947. Barton’s Mill will close and all children to attend Pickering Brook. Arrange for school stock etc to be carted to Pickering Brook and claim costs on Form10. May 5th: Barton’s Mill School closed on account of the resignation of teacher. May 23rd: Query: Are the buildings available for letting? Are the buildings likely to be required again? Is the school re-opening? The school closed because of low attendance. September 25th: The Quarters inspected; not suitable for
removal. September 26th: Barton’s Mill School Quarters available for disposal.
1948 JULY 20th: Barton’s Mill School and Quarters removed. Some of the material used to erect a Shelter Shed at Pickering Brook School. |
Article: Research by Helen Skehan Images: 1 The West Australian
Copyright : Gordon Freegard. 2008 - 2022